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Monday, July 11, 2011

What Does Mean To Be An Orthodox Christian?

What is meant by 'Orthodox'?/What does mean to be an Orthodox Christian?
An easy question to answer to most of the MGOCSMians. To be Orthodox means to be a member of the local Orthodox parish;), to believe in the Church's Holy Tradition; to participate in the Eucharist etc. But does it qualify us to be "Orthodox"?

Orthodox (Greek-Orthos +Doxa).Orthodox is a combination of two Greek words - 'Orthos' and 'Doxa.' 'Orthos' means 'correct;' 'doxa' means 'worship' or 'doctrine.' So the word 'Orthodox' signifies both 'proper worship' and 'correct doctrine'.
As the false teachings and divisions multiplied in early Christian times, threatening to destroy the identity and purity of the Church,the term Orthodox quite logically came to be applied to True Faith. The Orthodox Church carefully guards the Truth against all error.

When are we called Orthodox Christians?
Simply being born in an Orthodox family or simply being married in an Orthodox family(only for the women;)), doesn't qualify us to be an Orthodox Christian. So when are we called Orthodox Christians. To get the answer, lets focus on two words that make up Orthodox-"Orthos" and "Doxa".

Lets first look at the word "Orthos", which as earlier mentioned means "Straight"/Upright. So from 'Orthos' point of view our orientation should be that of the Christian who, armed with the True Faith(Orthodoxy) pursues virtuous life, remaining unstained in the stained world as Epistle of James puts in.

Now its "Doxa", which means worship/glory.For the glorification of God, we ideally should move in a straight (Orthos) line, requiring only the support of our True Faith handed down by The Fathers and the grace of Holy Spirit. So from 'Doxa' point of view our orientation should be that of the Christian who, blessed with the Tradition handed down by the Church fathers/Teachers/Apostles continues to be intimately connected with God. Our each and every action should be for the glorification of the Almighty.

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